FTC Disclosure Compliance Rules
The Federal Trade commission in the year 2015, released their latest new rules for disclosure compliance. In order to create awareness among the readers or viewers, the effect of these rules on sponsorship, endorsement and partnership of blogger and publisher with a different company. The reader should know the content publisher who is earning money by sharing a link or product. In compliance with FTC rules, everybody should abide by the major rules detailed below.
1. You can’t make a false claim
2. You can’t say that a product will cure cancer
3. You can’t pay for online reviews
4. You can’t hide disclosure links
5. You can’t use a fake news site
6. You can’t design a website with much white spaces
7. You can’t leave the affiliate marketers on their own devices
All/any links on pickthebest1.com are considered as affiliate links. We receive a small amount of commission or other compensation when sale on certain item is accomplished in every respect.
What Are Affiliate Links?
Normally all product sales generate from affiliate company website. When a buyer or a customer clicks on an affiliate link located on pickthebest1.com for purchasing a product, the buyer actually buys the item directly from merchant (not from pickthebest1.com).
Amazon other companies website pay to PicktheBest1 a small commission for helping to bring customers to their website.
The price of an item is same for buying through an affiliate link or not. So we can say that clicking a an affiliate link or clicking a non affiliate link cannot change the product price at all.
pickthebest1.com mainly uses two types of affiliate programs:
1. Amazon affiliate links.
pickthebest1.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites, as well as to other websites that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program.
2. Product Affiliate Links
In order to buy a product when you click on a product affiliate link, We get a percentage of sale price or other type of commission. We have already told that prices cannot be different whether you click affiliate link or non affiliate link. These links cannot be considered as “pay per click”.
What about Sponsored content?
I never write sponsored post. I always submit un-biased and authentic information. If however if a company desires to publish sponsored content on pickthebest1.com, I will certainly disclose the matter at the beginning of the post. Actually speaking I only recommend the products which I use and get as quality products. Product recommendation to my family members, to my friends and to my near relatives Is the priority to me. Your product when bought will support me much more in my research effort. Thanks a lot and hope for the best.
This Disclosure is partially adapted from BrainProTips.