Cleaning your bedroom does not have to take a lot of time. TIDY home keepers cleans thousands of rooms a month and they have developed some tricks and tips.
Here are some tips for home keepers. We made regular survey with them and keeping in touch. According to Martha stewart it takes only a few minute to clean your bedroom.
By planning your tasks on daily basis you will be able to clean your room throughout the year. The complete guide step by step is shown below along with room cleaning tools.
Make your Bed: If you want to make your room really clean first make your bed every morning. When the bed is made the rest jobs are easy to tackle. You can make you bed easy. For example you can skip a top sheet to avoid folding that. Get the least amount pillow to build perfect pillow sculpture. Use one blanket on top. The more fewer things on bed the better for cleaning.
Extra Sheets: Get an extra pair of sheets to keep clean bed. The average TIDY home keepers recommend that you should wash your sheets twice a month. Pull off the dirty sheets and immediately replace with a new one. Then send the dirty one for wash. This way you need not to be worried about dirty sheet or rewash.
Open the Windows: Sunlight is a cleansing agent. In Japan normally the bedding is hung in sunlight traditionally everyday. You need not go far for this. Simply opening your window regularly fresh air can enter at the same time sunlight enters and you feel fresh.
Dust Weekly: Minimizing the dust entering you room keeps a healthy atmosphere. Use a dust wand to dust your blinds. Clean off the top your dresses and also in the shelves. A dust wand is far better than a rag while cleaning your room. The job is easier and comfortable to remove dirt and dust.
Clean a Musty Mattress: If your mattress gets musty eventually replace with a new one. But it is noted that the mattress is a very expensive item but this happens rarely may be in a year or 6 month.
Get into right mindset:
The main thing is the right mindset and gets energized. Actually whatever plan you make unless you mindset is not perfect you cannot have a proper home cleaning. Cleaning can be seen very dull way to spend your time, so getting motivated things will be done very quickly.
- Understand what you will do during cleaning: will you tackling you bedroom only or the whole house. Please take decision. We are here to discuss only your room.
- Set a time limit for the task: This also helps focus as you will have a finish line to aim for.
- Make it a habit: Make a habit by doing as routine job everyday but how when you finished the job everyday feel. It is also no good if you are feeling low and have no energy.
Get everything ready
Having your cleaning stuff ready to use will be a time saver and help you all day doing each task. I like to use a cleaning caddy; all my usual items are ready to pick up. Some items you may want to have at hand are as follows:
- Big bag for any rubbish.
- Polish
- Duster
- Damp cloth
- Window cleaner and wipe
- Hoover with attachment
- Mop and bucket
Bathrooms and kitchen will have their specialized cleaning products in that room already.
Let the fresh air in
Whatever time of year it is, it’s worth opening window allowing fresh air into the room while you are cleaning it. This will make everything fresher and give you a new lease of life. It’s also a great way to circulate the air and allow any damp air out of the house rather than condensation. So it’s a great habit to get each and everyday.
Let there be light
Its spring and the day started to be bright for cleaning my room that becomes dirty enough during last winter months. Whatever the time it is you will be able to see what exactly you can clean and clean it properly. As such-if its night time then turns all of the lights and if it’s daytime pull back window treatment to allow natural time.
Take away the soft furnishing:
Once you can see what you are doing and are energized, then it is worth to clean the items. For example in the bedroom take out the dirt bed sheet for wash while dirty rugs outside shake them well, take the cushion outside to air a little and generally ensure that there is no dirty fabrics.
There is lots of room cleaning tips but we have noted here only 2 of them, these are being top tips.
Tip #1
A lot of people grab while taking good quantity of rich food late at night, while eating in bed means typically end up collection glasses, bowls, spoons and more. Bugs and ants are attracted into your bed room Which is not at all liked by any person. Try to eat on a table and you should not be worried and this type of insects should not be encouraged.
Tip #2
First of all keep a garbage basket in your bedroom. But try to make it empty when it is full. Please wait for some time. In this way you can make your room free from trash and clutter.
It may take sometime to implement these tips along with other guides that have been described in this article but when you can implement these things you are sure to clean your room fantastically that will make more joyous. If needed you can make a room cleaning checklist for your convenience.
Don’t think that you will have to implement all at a time. But slowly slowly by practice or by routine you can reach the goal. When you will be accustomed to do the cleaning jobs everyday as a routine it may take even less than an hour or 30 minutes.
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